Check out the 2015 presentations

Check out the 2015 presentations

The following presentations/abstracts can be downloaded:

Plenary presentations:

  • Prof.dr. Ludo Hellebrekers, Director at Central Veterinary Institute >>

Central Veterinary Institute (CVI) will also focus on cooperation with companies and public-private partnerships . What opportunities does this mean for (young) companies in human and veterinary sectors in the field of animal diseases, human health and vaccine development. What facilities are offered to (starting) entrepreneurs and what does that mean for the regional life sciences cluster?

Presentations workshop What's it worth? - Pricing Strategies:

What is the right price for your pharmaceutical or biotechnical product? Price-setting is a major challenge for the life sciences sector. Most enterprises need to balance the interests of various stakeholders. These complex interdependences make the market very hard to analyse. 

A difficult balance

In our aging society, the cost of providing care is constantly rising. Governments and insurers consequently do all they can to get pharmaceutical and biotech products at the lowest possible prices. Yet your company's future depends on innovation and development. That implies investing in R&D, which doesn't usually come cheap. How do you reconcile these opposing pressures? How do you decide what your product is really worth?

Expert advice

At the Pricing Strategies workshop, you will receive valuable advice from experienced experts. With practical examples and case studies, the workshop will empower you to identify the factors that determine the true value of your product. Proceedings will be led by speakers from pharmaceutical companies, biotech firms and insurers.

  • Peter de Braal, Manager Inkoop Strategie at Achmea >>

Presentations workshop Exit Strategies:

What is the best exit strategy for a successful life sciences enterprise? The field appears to be hotter than ever, and market interest is at a very high level. In such a dynamic setting, you are naturally reluctant to commit to the first potential partner that comes along. After all, you want to secure the best possible value for yourself and your partners. And to maintain and reinforce your company's knowledge and technological capabilities. Identifying the best market partner is therefore vital. But how do you go about doing that?

Making a successful exit

At the Exit Strategies workshop, the various ways of making an exit will be described. What are the critical success factors? And the main pitfalls to avoid? Just two of the many questions that will be addressed by experienced experts from audit firms, management consultancies and investment companies. Naturally, a number of life sciences entrepreneurs who have made successful exits will also be sharing their personal experiences.

  • Edward Kliphuis, Associate MS Ventures >>

  • Christian Meyer MD, PhD, Chief Medical Officer at Uniqure >>

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